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TTB2036 1

From Bloomingpedia

This is a bunch of data. Sorry it isn't formatted, and there is some garble. Time travel is tough. Maybe you can help with the readability here. John Hunter puts all the problems of the world on a 4′x5′ plywood board - and lets his 4th-graders solve them. At TED2011, he explains how his World Peace Game engages schoolkids, and why the complex lessons it teaches - spontaneous, and always surprising - go further than classroom lectures can.

I've sent a portable brain into the past to the butterfly organizers. This contains all the fragmented data I have, holding a key to something you can use for your talks, sharing your vision to correct my time.

Portable brains are difficult to explain. To you, they will look like some nonsensical questions to resolve, little puzzles with specific answers. Those answers, though, are what the brain uses to make new connections and unlock key information. I think if you send answers to the organizers, they can plug in the answers and see what pops up.

The first question is "The capital and a former capital of a certain country are anagrams of one another. What is the country?"

I don't know the answer because poijpaodisfjp98w0ej0-98 and it is unreliable 90hpuioasd. According to a report released by Freedom House titled Freedom on the Net 2011, Iran is the worst country when it comes to online freedom. The top three countries, in order, are Estonia, The United States and Germany. The study judged countries based on three specific criteria: Obstacles to internet access, limits on content and violations of user rights. They assigned each country a numerical score based on those criteria. Countries scoring from 0-30 are designated "free," countries scoring from 31-60 are designated "party free" and those with score of 61-100 are labelled "not free." ijospijafd9-08j8 089 In Innovation Deep Dive, Lisa Strausfeld from Pentagram has contrasted the drivers and the impact of innovation of various countries by way of an interactive line ranking. The visualization uses quite a large set of different data sets, ranging from Gallup and business schools reports, to the usual suspects like the UNESCO and the World Bank.

The interface requires some trial-and-error to get used to (e.g. the data categories at the top are clickable), but creates a compelling overview of how different nations actually perform versus how their business executives perceive the same issue.

If you let me know what you are working on, I can help by targeting the information I send. Find me on the Internet and connect with me for more helper information. Thanks for whatever you are doing. It changed the outcome of our recent election, and my candidate won instead of lost!


See: Taming the Butterfly, User:Dortheanie, TTB2036 2, TTB2036 3, TTB2036 4, TTB2036 5, TTB2036 6