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Banneker Community Center

Community center run by the Bloomington Parks and Recreation Department, located on West 7th Street. The Center hosts kids and youth for after school, evening and Summer events.
The building was originally the Banneker School, built in 1915. Edwin C. Doeppers designed the building and J. O. White was the general contractor. At that time Bloomington public schools were segregated and the school was built for use by African-Americans, so it was also referred to as 'the Colored School'. Many African-American families lived in the area because it was near the Showers Brothers Factory that employed people of all colors.
In July of 1951 the Bloomington school board changed the name of Banneker School to Fairview Annex, effectively combining the Banneker School and Fairview School.
In September of 1951 white students attended school with African-American students at the Fairview Annex ending decades of school segregation in Bloomington.
Contact info
930 W. 7th Street Phone: (812) 349-3735 Fax (812) 349-3790